My Near-Death Experience led to saving my life.
My near-death experience profoundly shifted my understanding of the afterlife and the nature of consciousness.
Jan 20th 2017 I died.
I had an adverse reaction to medicine and experienced a stroke and a brain bleed. I knew something was wrong as everything started shutting down internally. I had just enough time to call 911 before I collapsed.
You would think that would be the end of the story, but it's just the beginning.
I can't tell you how much time went by because when I got up from the ground, time felt different. I remember looking around, feeling as though I was outside of time. Not only that, but I could see through things as if they were lines of energy. The colors that came off the energy were incredible.
It took me a minute to understand I was still in my dining room. It just felt different. The biggest difference out of everything was "me." I began the day agoraphobic, depressed, single, and isolated. I was also very sick with kidney issues. I had been to the hospital 22 times in 2 years, including one two-week stay after going septic. I woke up a lost cause, and yet, in this moment, I was not.
It was like filling a cup with water. I felt whole, not anxious, not depressed, not sick, and not broken. It was like removing a block that had made everything in life difficult and now seeing with clarity. I felt as though I was being guided. I looked at the TV around the corner, and it was frozen as if in time.
This was the moment whatever was with me spoke to me. I had thought, I wonder if something massive happened, like a comet or asteroid hit us. That is the moment the voice said, "No, this is your personal journey." This next part is key for me.
There was no hell, no punishment, no burning. I didn’t have a life review. I had understanding, and that was enough to change. Hell was one of my biggest fears in life, being raised in the church. I had done plenty to deserve hell, but there was no hell. There was unconditional love.
I was shown how everything is energy, vibration, and begins in frequency. It explained how this reality is built on patterns, and the more you master them, the more you’ll be able to work with the energy creating this reality. It showed me a lot of information, like a download. I suddenly understood physics, quantum mechanics, the Fibonacci sequence, the golden ratio, fusion, star creation, and more. Imagine you have a library of books about the secrets of the Universe, but each book is in a different language. You know that if you just learn the language the secrets are revealed. That is how it felt when I was receiving downloads.
Once the downloads stopped, I knew I was ready to move forward, but I didn’t want to do this without my best friend, my dog. I called my lab over to me and sat down in my recliner. I saw these massive doors with a light behind them. I didn’t know much about them except that I wanted to have them open. I wanted what was beyond.
I pet Nova and remember taking a deep breath in as I got closer to the doors. Nova laid her head on my lap, as I was about to go through them. I did not know what was on the other side but i knew I wanted to be there, as if I belonged. When suddenly I was looking up from the ground at two EMTs who were trying to get me to wake up.
There isn’t a person in my life who has an answer for who I am today. I am no longer agoraphobic, depressed, or anxious. I have a job that I love working one on one with students. I have advised doctors and colleges on quantum physics and number theories, but most amazing is that my kidneys reversed direction and are healthier, which is extremely rare and close to impossible.
Everything about that experience changed me, but not only did I change my life, I spend my days helping others change theirs. I can’t explain how I know what I know, but in that time, I was given so many answers that now it’s just a matter of waiting for the right question.
That one NDE saved my life in so many ways!
My Health Story
Concept to experience.
Those who don't know me don't know this about me, but six years ago, I was hospitalized five times, with over 16 trips to the ER for kidney stones or kidney infections.
I had social anxiety so badly that I worked from home, did online college, and only dated online. I hadn't been to a restaurant in 6 plus years, and I had to medicate to go to social gatherings severely. By all accounts, I was dying very slowly.
After my NDE, I decided to make a considerable change. I came off all pain medication they were giving me and started meditating and exploring other options.
I moved from North Carolina to Arizona and started a new chapter.
At the beginning of 2018, I received a message in meditation that I would die at the age of 45. I rejected this message, but it consistently would return. Finally, I decided to accept it, and the more I accepted it, the more questions I got answered. I was told I would not suffer, that it would be brain-related and that there would be zero pain. When you remove the fear of pain and understand that death is not something to fear, you change. I changed.
I began doing things again. I even attended a church and became the audio-visual expert and a leader of the church. I was the youngest by quite a bit, so I enjoyed helping them in all areas I could. Service to others was my happy place.
I built friendships and bonds with so many of them. I even became the director of bingo and ran it every Friday night. I knew deep down that I was transforming all my fear into understanding, and that fuel was launching me.
I was meeting hundreds of new people a week and expanding my consciousness more and more every day. I decided to share with my mother the message I received about my death. I had zero fear, and that message was a huge part of why. I needed someone to know what was happening with me, and being the amazing woman she is, she took it all in grace.
In late 2018 I was rushed to the ER with excruciating pain in my ear. The doctor couldn't find a reason but felt my face, said she had a hunch, ran a full CT scan, and found a brain aneurysm!
I was the youngest person on the stroke floor as I suffered another mini-stroke that morning as well. They could not do surgery due to its high-risk location but just knowing about it was life-changing.
I started actively trusting the messages I received. I loved the number nine; the more I learned about it, the more knowledge I received in meditations. I took Tesla's knowledge and applied it to my life.
He knew that energy is found in the threes, sixes, and nines. I got a job as a pro dog trainer at address 999. I loved every day I worked. My code to the door was a nine, and my account code was a digital root of nine. At that address, I found the woman my soul knew I could apply concept to experience with. I had more than enough money and didn't even pay attention to my paychecks. I gave constantly!
I loved everything about life and had people coming to me to answer their spiritual questions from all walks of life. The more I practiced, the more I saw the truth in all things! There is truth in all, but not all is truth became my motto.
I started 9vibesuniversal two years ago, and as of today, nine vibes has 34k members (private and public groups). I live to help, learn, experience and love! I teach classes and offer one-on-one sessions with students eager to learn.
I met a wonderful soul whom I love on a level that surpasses space, time, and matter. I have zero social anxiety, I have zero kidney issues, and as of my last scan, I no longer have a brain anyersm!
I am living walking proof this knowledge works!
This is my story. This is my journey! I don't share the knowledge I share for me; I share it for you!
I got my 9vibes aligned!